Get the facts on Janus. A case before the Supreme Court threatens the rights of all public sector workers to organize and have a voice on the job. Every single AFSCME member needs to know what’s at stake, so check out our guide to Janus to learn the facts
Another union difference. Sanitation work is the fifth-deadliest job in the United States. It’s more dangerous than being a police officer or a firefighter. But unionized, public sector sanitation workers enjoy much safer conditions than their private-sector counterparts, according to a new report in Pro Publica.
A warning on infrastructure. President Trump plans to release his infrastructure plan soon, and it could very well make our nation’s fragile infrastructure even worse. Between privatization, outsourcing, and the likelihood of costs being shifted to strapped state budgets, there could be even less money available for making our road and bridges more safe and secure — and less accountability for the use of public funds for these projects.
Got questions? We’ve got answers. Do you have questions about your union? How AFSCME works, its structure, its leadership, or how it gets involved in politics? AFSCME Never Quits is our new guide that can help answer your questions. It’s a great resource to share with your coworkers who want to know more about the union that never quits on public service workers.