The DC 37 Women’s Committee invites you to celebrate Women’s History Month. We will be joined by keynote speaker Vanessa Gibson, Bronx Borough President. We hope to see you there!
Friday, March 14, 6-8 p.m. | DC 37 Headquarters, 125 Barclay
To RSVP for this event, please contact Carmen Charles at (646) 302-9551.
Correction: MELS Citizenship Webinar
DC 37 MELS, in partnership with the 32BJ Legal Services Fund and CUNY’s Citizenship Now, presents The Benefits of U.S. Citizenship. In this webinar, you will learn: how and when to file for citizenship, requirements to file, preparation for the exam, and resources available to members. The seminar will be hosted in English with Spanish translation available.
Wednesday, March 19 at 6 p.m. | Register HERE.
Correction: Know Your Rights – Immigration Update
Are you confused about recent immigration changes and announcements? Are you worried about your immigration status? Have questions about your rights if you are stopped or questioned by immigration officials? DC 37 MELS, in partnership with the 32BJ Legal Services Fund and CUNY’s Citizenship Now!, presents Immigration & Your Rights: Stay Informed, Stay Protected. The seminar will be hosted in English with Spanish translation available.
Tuesday, March 25 at 6 p.m. | Register HERE.
For more information on the free legal services the union provides, call the MELS Screening Unit at (212) 815-1111 or email [email protected].
Tax Prep Resources
The Food Bank for NYC in partnership with Campaign for Working Families offers free virtual and in-person tax preparation services for low-income New Yorkers. Get the refunds and credits you may be entitled to, including the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Call the Campaign for Working Families’ free tax hotline at (646) 981-6111 from 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday to Saturday.
New Yorkers who earned $93,000 or less in 2024 can use NYC Free Tax Prep to file with the help of IRS-certified VITA/TCE volunteer preparers. For information about free Tax Prep services and eligibility for tax credits, please call 311.
The IRS started accepting and processing 2024 tax returns on Jan. 27. The deadline to file a tax return for your 2024 taxes is Tuesday, April 15.
Health & Security Plan Benefit Fairs
The DC 37 Health & Security Plan invites you to attend an upcoming Health & Security Plan Benefit Fair in our new union headquarters. The monthly fairs are a great opportunity to learn more about your Health & Security benefits and the variety of resources available to you as a DC 37 member. All members are welcome to attend and take advantage of this event. We look forward to seeing you there!
Monday, March 24, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. | DC 37 Headquarters, 125 Barclay
Wednesday, March 26, 2-4 p.m. | DC 37 Headquarters, 125 Barclay
First-Time Homebuyer Workshop
Are you thinking of buying your first home but don’t know where to begin? The DC 37 Municipal Employees Housing Program is pleased to offer two virtual First-Time Homebuyer Workshops. Allow us to assist you on your journey to homeownership as we discuss the mortgage process, pre-approvals, debt-to-income ratios, PMI, FHA loans, conventional loans, and much more! Bring your questions and we’ll provide the answers. We hope to see you there!
Saturday, March 8 at 11 a.m. | Register HERE.
Saturday, March 22 at 11 a.m. | Register HERE.
MCU Homebuyers Webinar
In the market for a new place to call home? The DC 37 Municipal Employees Housing Program is proud to present the Municipal Credit Union (MCU) Homebuyers Webinar to answer your questions about mortgages and discuss which programs may be the right fit for you. Let MCU lending specialists guide you through flexible loan terms, competitive interest rates, and everything you need to get past your home-buying hurdles. You won’t want to miss this important webinar!
Thursday, March 13 at 6 p.m. | Register HERE.
Are you passionate about climate change? Do you want to meet like-minded union siblings fighting for climate justice? DC 37 members and retirees are invited to join the next Climate Justice Committee Meeting. Make your voice heard and share ideas on how to support DC 37 and AFSCME in the creation of green union jobs and the struggle against climate change and its impacts.
Tuesday, March 11 at 6 p.m. | Contact Jon Forster, Co-Chair of the Climate Justice Committee, at [email protected]
You are invited to the next committee meeting of the DC 37 Health/Disability Advisory Committee. This month we will be discussing hypertension and its effect on our health and communities. We hope to see you there!
Tuesday, March 11 at 6 p.m. | Join the meeting virtually by clicking HERE.
2025 DC 37 Lobby Day
Join DC 37 for the 2025 Lobby Day on Tuesday, March 4! We will travel to Albany to speak with State legislators about Tier 6 Reform, funding for home care workers, nonprofit agencies, and other legislative priorities.
Buses will depart from DC 37 headquarters. Check-in begins at 5:30 a.m. and buses will leave promptly at 6 a.m. Buses will depart from Albany around 3 p.m. to return to New York City. Registration is required.
Tuesday, March 4 at 5:30 a.m. | Register HERE.
Thursday, Feb. 13 at 6 p.m. | To register, click HERE.
Join the Political Action Volunteer Member Organizer (VMO) Team
You can make a big difference in this year’s important elections! Join our Political Action VMO team to help us get candidates in office who will fight to protect jobs and services in our community. Volunteers who enroll will participate in member-to-member door knocking and phone banking.
VMO shifts will take place throughout May and June on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays from 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. and 4-7 p.m. Applicants will be contacted to begin a screening process in March 2025. Members selected for the VMO team will receive a stipend of $22/hour for their volunteer time.
If you are interested in being considered for the upcoming Political Action VMO program, please click HERE to sign up.
Join the Fight to Get Pro-worker Candidates Elected – Support the DC 37 PEOPLE Program!
Under the new presidential administration, government jobs, safety net programs, and remote work options are under attack. We must support candidates who will fight against attempts to cut jobs and the advances we’ve fought hard for. By joining the PEOPLE Program, our DC 37 political action fund, we can get leaders in office who will fight for worker’s rights over corporate greed. PEOPLE contributions are used to do Get Out the Vote campaigns, lobbying around member issues, supporting pro-worker candidates, and other important activities that we are restricted from using dues money to conduct.
Attend Political Action Committee Meetings
Join us for our monthly Political Action Committee Meetings to find out more about what’s happening in City Hall and Albany. Meetings take place on the second Thursday of each month via Zoom.
Thursday, March 13 at 6 p.m. | To register, click HERE.
Register to Vote Today!
Are you and your family all set to vote in 2025? Elections for Mayor, City Council, Public Advocate, and City Comptroller are happening this year. Register to vote or update your address information HERE.
Applications for the Spring 2025 Semester Available Now!
The Education Fund has begun to accept applications for our Spring 2025 semester! For a list of current offerings, please visit our Classes and Benefits page by clicking HERE! Many classes fill up quickly so register as soon as they become available!
The DC 37 Green Jobs Training Program is Expanding!
The DC 37 Education Fund is happy to announce the Green Jobs Training Expansion Program, a grant-funded training program for eligible DC 37 members to receive free, hands-on instruction in areas of need within the green economy and energy sector.
Training courses include Energy Auditing, Multifamily and Commercial Building Analyst, Carbon Accounting, LEED Green Associate, Energy Benchmarking, and Construction Management. These courses and more will prepare members for certifications and licenses offered and recognized by the Building Performance Institute, Urban Green Council, and Association of Energy Engineers.
If you are interested in more information on these courses and what this training can provide for you, please click HERE.
New Data Analytics Certificate Program with CUNY LaGuardia
In conjunction with CUNY LaGuardia Community College, this 168-hour, online Data Analytics Certificate Program will provide students with the ability to gather, prepare, and analyze data within the information technology and analytics marketplace. Students will create databases, tables, and query data using SQL, retrieve data from external sources, and organize data using Python, perform data cleaning and transformations using Python, create visualizations and present data using Tableau, and utilize data tools to solve business problems, optimize operations and drive strategic decisions.
Upon completion of the program, students will earn a LaGuardia Certificate in Data Analytics or digital badge via Credly. Classes will meet twice a week virtually.
If you are interested in attending an information session on the program and learning more about what this training can provide for you, click HERE.
Changes to Tuition Reimbursement Benefit /Heading
Beginning with classes, courses, and workshops taken on or after Jan. 1, 2024, eligible DC 37 members can now be reimbursed up to $1,500 by the DC 37 Education Fund as long as the requirements for reimbursement are met. Additionally, tuition reimbursement applications can now be submitted completely online.
For more information on the changes to the reimbursement benefit, please click HERE.
Interview Techniques Workshop
Eligible members can attend this two-session, three-hour workshop and learn how to stand out at a job interview. Learn more about different types of interviews, what to expect, what to wear and not wear, the questions to ask and not ask, and how to prepare in advance. For more information on this workshop and to apply, click HERE.
Education and Career Counseling
Do you need guidance on selecting a class from our offerings, updating a resume or need assistance reaching a career or educational goal? Contact an Ed Fund counselor HERE to schedule a virtual appointment.
CUNY Counseling is Here for You!
This is the ideal time to plan for enrollment at the CUNY college of your choice. Let Worker Education at the CUNY School of Labor & Urban Studies (SLU) help guide you through the process of finding the best CUNY program to match your education and career goals.
Expert advisors offer FREE one-on-one phone sessions on academic requirements for specific jobs; choosing a CUNY campus and major; applying to and financing a CUNY degree; certificate and non-credit options at CUNY; transferring previous credits, and more. Each session is free and caters to your specific goals and needs.
To view the calendar and schedule your CUNY advisement session, click HERE. Can’t find a date/time that works for you? Email [email protected]
The CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies Offers Leap To Teacher (LTT)
Advance your education in any field with the LEAP to Teacher Program serving all school and daycare workers. Open the door to your future! LEAP to Teacher (LTT) provides a specialized set of support services designed to empower you to become more effective in your schools and more impactful in your communities. The LTT program can assist you with pursuing your undergraduate or graduate degree in any field of study, from the pre-admission stage through graduation.
For more information, please contact: [email protected], call (646) 313-8532 or visit our website HERE.
Retirees Education Courses for Spring 2025
The Ed Fund is currently accepting applications for classes for the Winter 2025 cycle. Apply online HERE. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Manuel Gomez-Rosa at [email protected] or call (212) 815-1700.
DC 37 Non-Profit and Private Sector Members represented by Locals 95, 205, 215, 253, and 389 are eligible for the following exciting education-related opportunities in 2024.
- Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
- Activate Your Curriculum
- Thursday, Feb. 27 from 5:30-8:30 p.m.
- Continuing Teacher Leader Education (CTLE)
- Classroom Management Solutions – An Overview
- Thursday, March 13 from 5:30-8:30 p.m.
You can register for these workshops by clicking HERE.
Classes and Prep Courses
- Content Specialty Test (CST) – Disabilities
- Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 4 to March 26, 6-8 p.m.
- Total of 8 sessions to complete the course
- Content Specialty Test (CST) – Arts & Sciences
- Saturdays, March 15 to April 5, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
- Total of 4 sessions to complete the course
- Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) Exam Prep
- Saturdays, March 8, March 15, March 22 from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
You can register for these classes and more by clicking HERE.
Skills Upgrade
- Intro to Computers
- Four sessions: Saturdays, March 8, March 15, March 22, March 29, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
- Via Google Classroom, Students must have a desktop or laptop
To register, email [email protected].
Scholarship Opportunities
The Education Incentive Program (EIP) scholarship is awarded based on income and gives up to $2,500 per year for college courses and up to $1,250 for the CDA. This scholarship is available to classroom personnel pursuing early childhood education.
For more information about these programs, call (212) 341-4991 or email [email protected]. You can also check out the website by clicking HERE to register early.
Got Back Pain? HSS Can Help!
Every movement you make engages your back in some way. That’s because the back connects so many parts of your body, including your hips, glutes, chest, shoulders and neck. That means back stability is key to a healthy body. Learn from the experts at HSS about how to strengthen and stretch your back properly. Do you need to see someone about your back pain? HSS can help.
HSS is here to help DC 37 members and families – and we take most insurances.
Connect with HSS TODAY
Call: (212) 606-1105
Email: [email protected]
Visit: HSS.edu/DC37