Member News


Real Estate Webinar

In a memo from Daniel Katz, Director of the DC 37 Research & Negotiations Department, it's been announced that the NYC Office of Labor Relations will delay adding the 3% May pay increases for m

It Takes Guts To Put Your Health First!

Did you know colorectal cancer is the third most

The delegates to international conventions have called on every local, council and affiliated union to examine their structure and process to ensure that they are working in the most efficient and modern way. Because of that examination, Local 375 is undergoing a restructuring at the request of the membership. Several chapter executive boards have petitioned the international union to request a new autonomous local union be chartered to best represent their membership and build power at the workplace and at the bargaining table.

ON FEBRUARY 24, join thousands of working people and our allies and stand up for our freedom to come together in strong unions and fight (please click here for flyer). Fight for equitable pay. Fight for affordable health care, quality schools, vibrant communities and a secure future for all of us. Demand an end to a system that's rigged against working people.

Civil Service Technical Guild - Local 375, DC 37, AFSCME members and organizers participated in Women's March in New York City on January 20, 2018 (DC 37 Blog).

Local 375 Women’s Organizing Committee (WOC) is taking a stand against Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence Awareness. Women are the majority in the Homes, Workplace, Churches, and Community, we must keep the Faith, Strength, Love, and Hope alive for a cure. Come out and support WOC 1st Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence Awareness event. (please see the flyer)

Protect Your Rights And Benefits!

We want you to be part of New York City’s largest public employee union, with about 150,000 members and 50,000 retirees. Do you work in a DC 37 title? Are you paying dues without being a member? Then sign up today for a voice in your union and your workplace. Join electronically to become a Local 375, DC 37 member and sign up to receive the latest union news.