Ashley Bragg
Alejandro Seirra
Pedro Rivera
Mike Perez
Support MAF Union-1
Just in time for the holidays, the MAF laid off Visitor Services staff only four days after they filed their union petition to organize. The next day, the Marcianos closed the whole museum, indicating that they would rather cut and run on their obligations to the community rather than address employees’ concerns.
Local 552: Hennepin County Parole and Probation Officers
Hennepin County includes the City of Minneapolis and its suburbs. Our bargaining unit consists of over 300 Probation, Parole and Family Court officers. In addition to negotiating our labor agreements, AFSCME Local 552 also develops a legislative agenda where we seek to improve the delivery of field services and maintain the high professional standards for Probation and Parole officers in Hennepin County and Minnesota